HCK Football Tournament


PC: Maroon Staff

Evan Huo

Last Friday, November 3rd, the Hawthorne Cedar Knolls Club (HCK) hosted their 6th annual 3v3 football tournament.  The tournament took place on the turf after school, and the club raised over $500.  Every Saturday, the club members go to Hawthorne Cedar Knolls, a school located in Hawthorne, and mentor underprivileged teenagers.  Typically, the Hawthorne kids do not receive Christmas presents.  To provide them with gifts and celebrate the holiday, every year the HCK club buys them the presents they put on their wish lists.  The football tournament is just one among the various fundraisers that HCK hosts.  Tournament winners Jared Shulman ’18, Trevor Nossel ’18, and Tom Fanning ’18 received $15 Gianonni’s gift cards.  Over 15 teams were signed up for the event and, overall, the fundraiser was a major success.