When Trump Blocks You on Twitter

Lauren Zou

@realDonaldTrump blocked you. Many Twitter users who may have opposed President Trump,, from high school students to celebrities have probably seen this notification on their Twitter accounts. However, due to recent events in court, U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald has ruled that the action of Trump blocking certain Twitter users is unconstitutional. The lawsuit, which was first brought by seven blocked Twitter users from Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, stated that Trump’s use of Twitter to censor his opposers imposes on their right to free speech. This lawsuit has been many of the first to consider amendment rights over a new communications platform and social media. Trump’s twitter account is also considered “official records”, and many people who have been personally censored or blocked by the president may have a legal case against him; one includes Colin Kaepernick, the NFL football star whose kneel during the National Anthem went viral. Some argue that Trump’s clear opposition and censorship of the action may have infringed upon the right to peaceful protest and freedom of speech. Recently, the lawsuit has been in effect as the seven Twitter users have been unblocked, however, the rest of the Twitter users remain blocked.

By: Lauren Zou