SHS Band Concert Before Break


Jacob Faierman

The SHS Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band performed for the entire school on Friday February 16. Since all of the different bands played, there was a wide array of styles of music that were featured, which made the concert a wonderful treat for students right before break. Many noted the experience as a great way to end school before the week off. “It was a good stress reliever. During health class, we were learning about stress, and we were using stress dots to figure out our stress level. I’m happy to say that my stress was greatly lowered during the concert. The dot went from black to green!” said Depei Li ’20.

The performance was conducted by SHS band director Jason Noble.

To prepare for the concert, all of the bands had to work hard to practice all of the pieces they had been working on. On the day of the performance itself, the band performers began practice during first period and continued rehearsing until performance time, highlighting the great effort that they all put into their musical work. Still, the bands have only begun practicing many of the pieces that were played in their most recent performance, for their official concert is still yet to come. “I think we did all right, but there is room for improvement for our official concert in April,” said Ashwin Sriskanthan ’20, a member of the SHS Symphonic Band.