Chalk-Full of Sonnets


Lauren Zou

You may have seen the beautiful poems scrawled in chalk among Brewster entrance as you walk up to school. As a new educational initiative, (in just her fourth year implementing this learning style) Dr. Kroll has been allowing her AT Senior Poetry class to chalk their poems of choice outside of the school. She originally got this idea from the annual Senior Chalking and thought that it would be a fun twist to help provide her students with a hands-on project. “Part of the whole goal is really to get the students to slow down and attend to the language closely,” Dr. Kroll commented. For the past week, students in her class have been studying sonnets and analyzing them with partners. Over the weekend, they planned out the layout and on Monday, October 16th, they spent their class period chalking out their poems out on the sidewalk. “It’s exciting to be outside of the classroom and doing something you can’t normally do. I felt like it was still educational.” Zoe Landless ’18 stated. So…stop by on your way to or from school and read a poem!