Pride Cookie Decorating Event

Zoe Winston

  • Rune Coulsen posing with a cookie they decorated.

  • Jennifer Brinley posing with a cookie they decorated.

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From 2-3 pm on Friday, March 17th, students gathered in the Learning Commons, where all were welcome to decorate and enjoy delicious cookies.

“They had all different colors, and you could basically make whatever you want, and they had unlimited cookies, which were nice,” Freddie Whitman ’26 said.

Rune Coulsen ’26 organized the Pride Cookie Decorating event because they “wanted a fun event for queer people and their friends to do together.” With support from Scarsdale Library’s Teen Advisory Board (TAB) and the GLOW club, Coulsen was able to make her vision come true.  

The inspiration for the event came from two questions asked to Scarsdale Public Library Teen Services Manager Jennifer Brinley and the TAB: “How can we beef up our inclusive programming at the Scarsdale Public Library?” and “How can we infuse pride programming into the entire year?” Through persistent emailing and preparation, Coulsen proposed the idea and gained support from the TAB, which helped with funding and supplies for the cookie decorating event. Coulsen then contacted the GLOW club, which they are a member of, to find a space for the event.

“The GLOW club had very little to do with this except support Rune,” President of the GLOW club Lex Silverstein ’25 said.

Many factors went into planning this event, but the effort was worthwhile in the end.

“It brings together a community of people part of the LGBTQ+ community but also allies and people in the school,” Silverstein expressed. Overall, the event completed its goal of creating a fun activity for members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies to come together. The event had laughter, community, inclusivity, and, most importantly, amazing cookies!