Meet Your New 2022-2023 Class Government Representatives!

Sydney Geringer

The Class Government election results for 2022-2023 are in! Your new class government members are ready to make this year the best and most enjoyable for all students at Scarsdale High School. 

  • Mihir Barlinge ’23

  • David Duan ’24

  • Daniyal Naeem ’25

  • Anish Mehta ’26

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The new representatives for the Class of 2023 are:

Mihir Barlinge as President, Isabelle Goldban as Vice President, Hana Pitchon and Juliet Schneider as Secretaries, Anna Feldstein and Ali Schwartz as Treasurers, and Sophia Garcia, Simone Glajchen, and Taylor Levin as House Representatives. 


The new representatives for the Class of 2024 are:

David Duan as President, Peter Silver as Vice President, Carolyn Chen as Secretary, Rhett Needlemen as Treasurer, and Bora Secmen, Sydney Geringer, Thomas Kronenberg, and Ben Fromme as House Representatives.


The new representatives for the Class of 2025 are: 

Daniyal Naeem as President, Matan Davis and Lily Tessler as Vice Presidents, Arielle Pitchon as Secretary, Hannah Wasserman as Treasurer, and Kamila Moselhy, Amelia Fader, Mason Levy, Jai Paradkar, and Josh Potters as House Representatives. 


The new representatives for the Class of 2026 are: 

Anish Mehta as President, Esha Mehta as Vice President, Cameron Hersly as Secretary, Gavin Tieng as Treasurer, and Colin Brennan, Gabriel Green, Natalie Nudelman, and Zachary Weinberg as House Representatives.


The new Class Government are so excited to get the new year started, and can’t wait to share with the student body all of their fantastic ideas. Here are just a few words from some of the student presidents, and their current plans for the year:

“I am mainly trying to make senior year one of the best experiences for all students,” said Mihir Barlinge ’23. “More than half of our high-school experience has been spent at home because of the pandemic, so I would like to continue the senior class traditions, maybe add a couple new ones, and create a fun and exciting environment as the senior class spends their last year here at the high school,” explained Barlinge. 


“One of my current plans is to have a study night right before big exams; teachers will stay [the] evenings at school to meet with students and help answer any last-minute questions students may have. I also would like to have a pickle day on the first day of second semester, where every student gets to enjoy a pickle. I think this would be a funny way to start the second semester of the school year,” commented David Duan ’24. “But not only do I want to implement these ideas, but I would also love to hear some opinions from fellow students of the junior class, and what they would like to see as we transition into the new school year,” said Duan.


Some of the newer members of Class Government have also commented on what they are excited about this year: “I have a strong passion to help my fellow classmates, and will ensure that anything my classmates would like to share is communicated to the rest of the student government,” explained Anish Mehta ’26. “I am really thankful for the opportunity to be the voice of my fellow classmates, and I am excited for a great year,” said Mehta. 


Daniyal Naeem ’25 also talked about his eagerness to become a part of class government: “I am very excited to get involved with the student body [and] having the opportunity to be a voice for other students. One thing I am very excited about is being able to participate and organize fundraising events where [the] proceeds will be donated to charities [in] the community. I have a strong desire to help others, and by being president I will make it my priority to carry out these events,” explained Naeem. 


All of the newly elected officers are very excited to start organizing school events and putting in their best effort to make this school year the best it can possibly be.