Meet Your 2022-2023 Class Government Candidates!
Neha Nayakkar, Drew Siegel, Irene Li, and Jean Sung
September 29, 2022
“Scarsdale’s Freshman Class deserves a president who is someone they can count on and knows how much our voices matter.” – Samina Malik ’26 for President
Anish Mehta ’26
“I would be the best candidate to vote for because of my experience, my compassion, my diligence, my patience, and my desire for shared leadership, in the sense that I will not assume what it is my peers want for their community.” – Arun Nayakkar ’26 for President
“Experienced, empathetic, and eager to get things done.” – Esha Mehta ’26 for Vice President
“Take my word, your ideas will be valued and heard!” – Cameron Hersly ’26 for Secretary
“Students should vote for me for Secretary because I’m dedicated, hardworking and my goal is to advocate for my classmates and work on building the SHS community.” – Zoe Winston ’26 for Class Secretary
“I’m capable, competent, and confident, which is why I should be your Freshman Treasurer.” – Gavin Tieng ’26 for Treasurer
“I want to build community, ensure student voices are heard and make this school year the best one yet.” – Rory Winston ’26 for Treasurer
“With dedication, a strong work ethic and international student government experience, I will strive to meet the needs of the class of 2026.” – Gabriel Green ’26 for Class Representative
“Students should vote for me as the freshman house representative because I want to contribute to the school as much as possible and listen to other people’s ideas to make sure that everyone has the best school year.” – Natalie Nudelman ’26 for Class Representative
“I’m running for sophomore class president because I feel the representation of sophomores in this school is lacking. When people think of high schoolers the last group of persons they think of are us, so I run to change that. I hope to be a genuine change in this school. I also think that Mondays (being the worst day of the week) should have a highlight, which makes me want to implement “Coffee Mondays” where I will set up a stand outside the school and sell coffee. And if you know any sophomore make sure they Better Call Basso.” – Louis Basso ’25 for President
“Hi everybody! I’m Juliana Chavis and I’m hoping to be the next Sophomore Class President! I want to bring the class together through a series of fun, free events, like an event at Sportime USA, bowling, ice skating, silent disco, country vs. country club, food trucks at school, goat yoga (on Non-Sibi Day), and outdoor movie nights with free snacks! I also plan on organizing events that give back, like volunteering at soup kitchens or animal shelters. Also, to make it more accessible, I plan to have bins available in the cafeteria for your reusable plates and utensils! Lastly, I want everyone’s voice to be heard, and will be available to talk to you anytime! I hope to make this the best year ever! Thanks in advance for your vote! 😃😃😃” – Juliana Chavis ’25 for President
“I hope to make 3 changes as sophomore class president, nothing much, just 3 changes: First, I would like to explore the possibility of making self-checkout a way of payment for lunch, in an effort to shorten the lunch line. Second, instead of taking lessons from our own lives, Scarsdale High School should offer financial literacy class as an elective. Lastly, I hope to reform the cell phone policy to build stronger connections between everyone.” – Joshua Dong ’25 for President
“Hi, My name is Daniyal Naeem and I am running for class president. An idea of mine is that I want to have takeout days for school. I also would like to make class t-shirts, and use the money raised for charity. Pop-up shops for Scarsdale merchandise are also a top priority of mine. Lastly, I am sick and tired of walking into a locker room that smells like absolute garbage! For this reason, I want to Febreze the bathrooms and locker rooms. LIVE THE DREAM, VOTE DANI NAEEM—let me know your ideas too!” – Daniyal Naeem ’25 for President
“I’m running to be your Sophomore Class President because I want to give back to this school community which in the past year has already given me so much. I have experience being a member of Student Government and I really enjoy being part of a team. I promise to create the type of environment for our grade where everyone’s opinions can be heard. My goal is to plan more social activities that would allow students to get to know more of their classmates. Just one idea I have is to create a Secret Santa during the holidays that would not only end with a party for people to meet their gift givers, but would also include a charity component where we could also donate gifts to children in need. I look forward to hearing from all of you about how else the Student Government can best serve you and hope you vote for me because #SophomoreYearWillBeBussin’IfYouVoteForJustin.” – Justin Riggi ’25 for President
“As sophomore vice president, I would install food truck Tuesdays. I would also make buses available for away games and add more field trips. Vote for Matan and your problems will be gone!” – Matan Davies ’25 for Vice President
“My name is Lilly Tessler and I’m running to be the 10th grade vice president. I’m a hardworking, dedicated, and understanding student who loves getting involved in any school event. As the vice president, I will be committed to making our sophomore year the best school year yet. Not only would I give my own input, but I would also love to receive feedback from the whole grade on how to make our school a better place. Also, as part of our school’s sports teams, school spirit means a lot to me and I would love to bring even more spirit to our school. So remember, be nice and vote Lilly for vice!” – Lilly Tessler ’25 for Vice President
“As Treasurer, I hope to raise funds for activities and donations. I’d be honored to be a part of the process in making the school year fun and full of surprises. In addition, I’d like to encourage donations and fundraisers, and I hope everyone would be willing to help out. Throughout the past, I’ve been engaged in various projects, such as campaigning for candidates, supporting the homeless, and helping educate young students in multiple aspects. I believe that I’d be well suited for the responsibilities that will come.” – Ellen Hu ’25 for Treasurer
“Hi everyone! I’m Amelia Fader and I’m running to be Sophomore House Representative. This year as a House Rep, I would share my classmates ideas with the rest of the government and make sure everyone’s voices are heard. I want this year to be fun and impactful to the community around us. I would help support local organizations, while also helping to set up fun activities for the Sophomore class. Have a nice day everyone, and I hope you vote for me, Amelia Fader! :)” – Amelia Fader ’25 for Class Representative
If you choose me for House Representative, you’re choosing someone who will fight for YOU! I will do everything in my power to listen to your issues and be your advocate. I am approachable and always open to hearing from you. Let’s make this the best year yet! – Phoebe Flaster ’25 for Class Representative
“If elected as house rep, I will continue to advocate for matters that are important to students, no matter how big or small they might be. In addition, I will assist all students to have their voices heard, share their experiences, and represent their concerns and wants. Based on my leadership experiences, I have developed the skills to contribute creative ideas, enhance communication with my peers, and organize thoroughly. I genuinely believe in the well-being of the school and every student and have ideas for changes that would benefit everyone. Some of my ideas include arranging more fundraising opportunities, having more spirit days, class events, and giving an equal chance for everyone to contribute ideas if that means having an idea box or google form. And that’s why I believe I would be a good class rep, so vote Chloe Lee, you’ll never find another like me! :)” – Chloe Lee
“If elected as a House Rep, I hope to make our grade more cohesive. I’d do this by creating google forms which would better allow for more student feedback for class events. I feel that it is very important to have everyone’s voice heard in school government. Another idea I have is to make an annual class trip where students in our grade can better get to know each other.” – Mason Levy ’25 for Class Representative
“Hi, I am Jai Paradkar and I am running to be your next House Representative! As House Representative I will make some big changes, such as: creating a poll to vote for lunch food on certain holidays, sending more funds to school clubs, and lengthening the lunch periods. My qualifications include being a part of 4 clubs and being a part of the cabinet for our class government last year. By sending surveys to everyone in the grade, the class government (including myself) can make sure that they are implementing the best policies and changes for the next year. By voting for me, Jai Paradkar, you can not only enjoy school more, but be a part of making a change in how we are taught.” – Jai Paradkar ’25 for Class Representative
“I am looking forward to running for re-election for junior class president!” – Claudia Rosenberg ’24 for President
“Let’s support juniors this year with more test prep, more parking, and more pickles! Vote David Duan for junior class president!” – David Duan ’24 for President
“No need to disagree, vote Julia Kossakowski.” – Julia Kossakowski ’24 for Vice President
“If I’m elected as class vice-president I will organize class-sponsored community service project and will do all I can to create a less stressful environment.” – Peter Silver ’24 for Vice President
“I am Abby etra and I am so excited to be running to be the junior class secretary for the third year!” – Abby Etra ’24 for Secretary
“Vote for Thomas for a great year!” – Thomas Kronenberg ’24 for Secretary
“I am thrilled to be running for my 6th time as a House Representative candidate and the student government has always brought out the best in me. Don’t Forget to Vote for Chase Geringer on Thursday!” – Chase Geringer ’24 for Class Representative
“Hi I’m Ben Fromme, I’m running for one of the position as a house representative and my 2 main goals for our school year are to help allow us to become closer ad a grade as well as help to create a less stressful environment around school.” – Ben Fromme ’24 for Class Representative
“I am running for Junior House Representative because I want to make sure we have a great year filled with fun events and activities that will make everyone feel included. I have been in Student Government since 8th grade, so I know how to create amazing events for our class. Don’t forget to vote for me to be your Junior House Representative!” – Ellis Geringer ’24 for Class Representative
“As your House Representative, my number one priority will be to make sure you have the most exciting and enjoyable junior year. As a past member of the student government, I have the experience and dedication it takes to be a great representative of our junior class. Vote for Sydney Geringer on Thursday!!” – Sydney Geringer ’24 for Class Representative
“For fun school wide events, vote Janghee!” – Janghee Lee ’24 for Class Representative
Mihir Barlinge ’23
“I am running for Senior Vice President because I want to help our class have the best last year of high school ever!” – Isabelle Goldban ’23 for Vice President
“I’m excited to be running for class government again because I have enjoyed participating in it for the last three years, and I can’t wait to see what senior year has in store for me!” – Hana Pitchon ’23 for Secretary
“I am devoted to creating positive change and making our last year at SHS the best one imaginable!” – Anna Feldstein ’23 for Treasurer
“Due to all I’ve learned over the past year in class government, I have the knowledge, drive, and enthusiasm to help successfully execute the many events that will define our senior year. With your vote, I know I can make this year as amazing as we all know it can be!” – Sophia Garcia ’23 for Class Representative
“I’m running for the house representative position because senior events are more important than ever, and I want to make this year the best it can be.” – Simone Glajchen ’23 for Class Representative
“Taylor Levin is running for reelection as a Class Representative of the Class of 2023. Make your senior year an e- Levin out of ten!” – Taylor Levin ’23 for Class Representative
It’s class election time! Here are the candidates for each of the class governments. Be sure to vote!
Class of 2026 Candidates:
President: Samina Malik, Anish Mehta, Arun Nayakkar, Hila Savir
Vice President: Esha Mehta
Secretary: Cameron Hersly, Zoe Winston
Treasurer: Gavin Tieng, Rory Winston
Class Representatives: Colin Brennan, Gabriel Green, Natalie Nudelman, Zachary Weinberg
Class of 2025 Candidates:
President: Louis Basso, Juliana Chavis, Joshua Dong, Daniyal Naeem, Justin Riggi
Vice President: Matan Davies, Lilly Tessler, Elizabeth Waxman
Secretary: Arielle Pitchon, Isabella Lu
Treasurer: Ellen Hu, Hannah Wasserman
Class Representatives: Kamila El Moselhy, Amelia Fader, Phoebe Flaster, Alexa Handel, Jane Hoffman, Hannah Kass, Chloe Lee, Mason Levy, Jai Paradkar, Josh Potters
Class of 2024 Candidates:
President: Claudia Rosenberg, David Duan, Cayden Yang
Vice President: Julia Kossakowski, Peter Silver, Abby Underweiser
Secretary: Abby Etra, Carolyn Chen, Thomas Kronenberg
Treasurer: Rhett Needleman
Class Representatives: Chase Geringer, Ben Fromme, Bryan Chung, Ellis Geringer, Sydney Geringer, Janghee Lee
Class of 2023 Candidates:
President: Mihir Barlinge
Vice President: Isabelle Goldban
Secretary: Hana Pitchon, Juliet Schneider
Treasurer : Anna Feldstein, Ali Schwartz
Class Representatives : Sophia Garcia, Simone Glajchen, Taylor Levin