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Scarsdale High School's daily online news source


Scarsdale High School's daily online news source


Scarsdale High School's daily online news source


Etel Malka, Grant Lieberman, and Cami Brosgol present Hydroplant, a product that makes gardening more accessible by allowing people to garden anywhere and still reap the benefits.

Recap of 6th Annual AT Entrepreneurship Pitch Night

Rory Winston, News Editor May 3, 2024

On April 15, 2024, AT Entrepreneurship hosted its 6th annual Ptich Night. Drawing from the UN sustainable development goals (SDG), students looked within their community to identify and solve problems....

Scarsdale residents at the Greenburgh Nature Center

Growing a Greener Future: The Eco-Efforts of SHS’s Project Green Club

Ava Schnipper March 27, 2024

Scarsdale’s chapter of Project Green seeks to promote environmentally safe lifestyles and activities. This year they have expanded the participation and activities in their club. On March 16 from...

Bi-weekly clean up 10am at the Weinberg Nature Center, featuring members of Clean Westchester.

Clean Westchester Spotlight

Isabella Tse and Noam Tiomkin November 20, 2023

Whether they are cleaning up trash from local areas or publishing articles that raise awareness of the necessity of ecological conservation, members of Clean Westchester play an essential role in their...

“I personally hope that the passion and anger surrounding stopping [the] Willow [Project] will manifest itself in other climate actions,” Ryan conveyed.

Weighing the Willow Project

Justin Zhang March 12, 2023

In the past few weeks, controversy has stirred around the "Willow Project," an oil drilling initiative in Alaska's North Slope region led by multinational oil and gas company ConocoPhillips. Proponents...

Audrey Ryan '24 introducing a speaker during the protest at Brooklyn Borough Hall.

SHS Students Strike For The Climate

Ethan Karp March 6, 2023

On March 3rd, 2023, five Scarsdale High School students participated in the Fridays for Future Climate Strike in New York City. The protest encouraged over 5000 students to miss their classes to raise...

The topic of climate change has drastically affected the future of the fashion industry—the only question is how?

How The Future of Fashion Will Be Defined By The COP26 Climate Conference

Charlotte Davis November 3, 2021

The fashion industry has finally begun to reopen this year, with both in person and virtual shows being held during fashion weeks across London, Hong Kong, New York, and Paris. Big brands such as Chanel,...

Factories contribute massively to climate change. The fashion industry is the world’s second largest polluter, and fast fashion only worsens its effects on the environment.

How are Fast Fashion and Consumerism Damaging the Modern World?

Eve Rich May 11, 2020

In today’s world, we live in a society obsessed with material goods and current trends. Consumerism has taken over the mindsets of millions of people, and fast fashion coupled with this constant consumption...

SHS Rallies Against Climate Change

SHS Rallies Against Climate Change

Riena Parente and Max Yang September 20, 2019

Taking part in a global movement—with youth demonstrations spanning over 150 countries—SHS students protested in front of the Brewster Road entrance on Friday morning. The wave of protests was prompted...

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