Step 1: Accept the Inevitable
School is starting. This is the end of sleeping in and going out on Wednesday nights. If you haven’t, finish season three of OITNB because your prime Netflix binging time will soon be replaced with Spanish class and soccer practice. Have a good cry and enjoy the last few days of unscheduled bliss, or, more likely, stressfully scramble to get your gold card and get in shape for preseason because let’s be honest, you totally let yourself go this summer. It’s ok. We all did.
Step 2: Attempt the Impossible
Remember how you were going to do all your studying for the SATs this summer? You were also going to get rock hard abs, as well as finish that book you pretended to have read. You have one week, and it’s go time. If you try really hard, you can accomplish all your goals! Or… You could re-watch all of Blue Mountain State and eat a whole pizza. Who needs abs anyways… You’ll totally buckle down later this year.
Step 3: Get Organized
Now that you’ve stopped throwing the remote at the TV when the godforsaken “back to school” ads come on (I mean really… Have a heart people!), it’s time to go out and get some supplies to help carry you through the next year. Even though you know you’ll just end up throwing everything in that one folder and asking the kid next to you for a pencil every day, this is SO going to be the year where you get your act together and will be able to pull out October’s notes in January. After spending $200 at staples, you better be.
Step 4: The Beginning
It’s here. The first day. Actually… It’s not that bad… The first day is filled with meaningless introductions with new teachers, seeing the friends you haven’t all summer, and trying to figure out who has the same frees. The upcoming year is filled with possibility and the hope of a better, more focused, and organized you. You got this!
Step 5: Settling
Yeah… You don’t really need to use a notebook when you can just get some loose leaf from your neighbor and toss it in your bag. That history paper due next week? You’ll start it tomorrow. For sure. Who said Netflix binges were over?
By Maggie Donovan