Trusted Resources to Educate Yourself on Racism
There are many ways to educate yourself and contribute to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Social media can be an invaluable source of information, news, and expression – but it can also be overwhelming. During the past few weeks, America has been addressing some long-overdue topics in the discussion of the African American community and their experience in our society. The voicing of these issues is not a new development, but rather one that is only now being heard and amplified nationwide. George Floyd’s tragic murder was merely the spark that ignited a flame – one that has catapulted our generation into change and progression. The Black Lives Matter movement against prejudice and systematic discrimination has spread like wildfire throughout the digital landscape, but navigating this shifting world is often difficult. This becomes even more of a challenge if you care about the issue, but struggle to take action when bombarded with posts, stories, links, charity promotion, and more. This article will provide a concise list of trusted online resources, with which you can make change in a few minutes or improve and expand your views from the comfort of your couch.
Sometimes the first step to getting active when your environment makes it easy to disassociate from the topic is to diversity content you consume. Here is a list of movies if you have some free time and would like a glimpse into a different perspective. These are some accounts you can follow on Instagram to expose yourself to news regarding BLM, positive messages, and African American content creators; @blacklivesmatter , @colorofchange , @naacp , @civilrightsorg , and @reclaimtheblock .
Although many hesitate to donate, giving the $5 you would have spent getting Starbucks this morning if we weren’t quarantined can truly make a difference. Trusted organizations include Black Lives Matter, Dream Defenders, Small Businesses Rebuild, and the National Police Accountability Project.
There are many ways to help and not everyone can participate in monetary donations – if that applies to you, then consider donating time by emailing some representatives listed on this resource. The site provides pre-made templates but be sure to make changes and add your unique voice to bypass systems that delete scripted emails.
Lastly, please keep in mind that everyone involved is improving and growing. Be kind to yourself and others as we all do our part to move towards a future where no one feels unsafe or unwelcome in our society.