Student Government Discusses How to Keep Students Engaged During Quarantine

Maroon Staff

Look out for daily Student Government updates on their Instagram, shsgov!

Last Tuesday, on the first day of May, Scarsdale High School’s student government discussed how to keep students engaged during the quarantine. According to our school’s Student Body President, Michael Waxman ’21, the club has been using their Instagram account to encourage high schoolers to participate in challenges. Their selfie challenge received nearly thirty different submissions, the winner of the Earth Week Selfie Challenge donated $50 to a charity of their choice, and the government has been planning a Trivia Night event. 

The Freshman Class is holding a game night every Friday to play interactive, online games such as, a multiplayer drawing and guessing game. A digital scavenger hunt may be happening in the near future, although it will be difficult to distribute prizes during these unprecedented times. As an alternative, SHS can make it possible for the winners to donate to a charity of their choice. 

The Sophomore Class has already held a Kahoot Trivia, which fifty different students participated in. They’re also planning different polls on Instagram, as well as allowing students to send in video clips of what they’re currently doing. 

The Junior Class is still finalizing their ideas, as many of their favorite traditions are no longer possible in an online setting. A virtual Junior Olympics has been discussed, although the core component of bonding with one’s elementary school may be difficult to attain in a digital setting. The Class of 2021 has been creating opportunities for students to volunteer as well so that more people will know what they can do to help the community. 

The Senior Class, arguably the ones who have missed out on the most traditions, has been organizing senior option meetings with advisors twice a week, as well as holding grade-wide zooms to share suggestions and ideas. While traditions such as Prom and Graduation are still being discussed, the Senior class play will likely become a lip-sync compilation that the Class of 2020 can all enjoy together!

Additionally, this week, the Student Government launched the pilot episode of their new weekly digital homeroom announcements. Students and clubs are able to submit their own announcements by the Thursday prior to the week they want their announcement in the video. To watch the video from this week, click here.

Because school policy prevents SHS from raising money through Venmo, and the carnival has been canceled, it will be nearly impossible for them to raise money during the quarantine. By raising awareness for different charities on Instagram, however, the student government has been trying their best to continue supporting the community.