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Get to know the candidates for president of SHS for next year!
Get to know the candidates for president of SHS for next year!
Maroon Staff

Meet The Four SHS Presidential Candidates for 2024

Elections for school government will occur on February 8th during homeroom. Four candidates are running for president this year. These elections are important because they dictate how the school will be run for the next year.
Photo of SHS Presidential Candidate Kamila El-Moselhy (Kamila El-Moselhy)


Photo of SHS Presidential Candidate Juliana Chavis (Juliana Chavis)


Photo of SHS Presidential Candidate Jai Paradkar (Jai Paradkar)


Photo of SHS Presidential Candidate Layden Kennedy (Layden Kennedy)



Meet Kamila El-Moselhy

Introduce yourself
“Hi!! My name is Kamila El-Moselhy and I am running to be the next SHS student body president. I care about each and every student and I want to make high school the best experience it can possibly be.”

What experience do you have in general or regarding student government that makes you qualified for this position?
“I have been a part of student government since I was in 6th grade so that’s about 6 years of experience, this means I know the system inside out and I am the best candidate if you want your ideas to be heard and implemented. I am also a captain of the debate team and a member of many sports teams so I know how to both lead and be a team player. I am also an active member in many clubs and enjoy participating in community service events which exposes me to many different communities within our school.”

What do you plan on accomplishing if you become president? What can students expect from you as president?
“I want to have weekly sports prediction sheets sent out via email that students can fill out and the student with the closest predictions every week wins a free prize. I also want to give every grade their own spirit days where the themes will be directly voted on by each grade, so you get to choose what theme your grade wears. Next, I want to make sure that there is enough food for people with second lunch, because right now the food just runs out too quickly! I also want to send out surveys every month that allow people to input suggestions on what food they want in the cafeteria so that we change up the options every once in a while.”

Anything else you want SHS students to know?
“I want to be your voice and I will work with you to get YOUR ideas in action.”



Meet Juliana Chavis

Introduce yourself
“Hi! I’m Juliana Chavis and I’ve been a part of government since freshman year.”

What experience do you have in general or regarding student government that makes you qualified for this position?
“I joined the school government, after being a part of class government, last February as an appointed representative. Being a part of school government has given me the opportunity to know how to best perform and lead as president. I have already put together the many events that come as a responsibility with joining school government, so there is not as much of a learning curve for me as there will be for the other candidates.”

What do you plan on accomplishing if you become president? What can students expect from you as president?
“As president, I’d want to get the school to sell gum in the cafeteria, move the club fair to a more universal time (Wednesday 7th, and after school), and also give free things out to students (like slime, munchkins, and candy).”

Anything else you want SHS students to know?
“I hope I can count on your vote!”



Meet Layden Kennedy

Introduce yourself
“Hello, my name is Layden Kennedy, and I am a Junior here at SHS! To give you any background on me and my interests, I love hanging out with friends, cooking, going to the gym, and playing basketball. I am also a bit of a movie fanatic, and I love ranking and talking about movies and TV shows.”

What experience do you have in general or regarding student government that makes you qualified for this position?
“In terms of experience, I have served in Student Government over the past two years and was elected Junior Class Secretary at the end of last year. I have helped with managing and carrying out a wide range of school events, including Sophomore movie night last year, the High School Carnival, the Community Dinner, as well as cooking and handing out food during the football games. For extracurricular involvement, I am an officer in Extemporaneous Speech and Debate, President and Founder of the Social Justice Club, VP and soon-to-be President of The Creative Photography Club, a peer leader in the Highscool’s Peer Leadership Program, and Scarsdale High School’s Ambassador to the New York Civil Liberties Union.”

What do you plan on accomplishing if you become president? What can students expect from you as president?
“When I become President, I plan to enact several changes in terms of both food and school events.
– Smoothie Bar in Cafeteria
– More catering days with Chipotle and Buon Amicis
– Better snack selection, such as Starbucks frappuccinos, mints, gum, and other candy
School Events:
– More competition-based school-wide events such as the 3 v 3 basketball tournament as they have in the Middle School
– Student and teacher outfit swap day, where students wear what teachers normally wear (more formal attire) and teachers wear what students normally wear (sweatpants, pajamas, etc)
– Blackout day during the pep rally as almost everyone in the school has black (oftentimes, there is a lack of unity on the dress-up days, especially when each grade is assigned different arbitrary colors like green or red)”

Anything else you want SHS students to know?
“I am set on improving any aspect of the school that I can. During my presidency, I would set up a means by which students can either unanimously or purposely send complaints about the school via a Google form on the student government’s Instagram page. This way, students can share their inputs and complaints about the school without any worry about others knowing the identity of the individual complaining.”



Meet Jai Paradkar

Introduce yourself
“My name is Jai Paradkar, I am a junior at SHS, and I am hoping to be your next school president.”

What experience do you have in general or regarding student government that makes you qualified for this position?
“I am already the president of 4 clubs (DECA, Business Club, Ping Pong Club, and CEC) and treasurer of two more, giving me solid leadership and organizational skills that would be useful when planning events as president. On top of that, I was already elected to be school treasurer last year, meaning I have what it takes to be in student government; I know how it works, its responsibilities, and what can be improved for next year. Plus, I truly care about improving the lives both in and out of school of every single person at SHS.”

What do you plan on accomplishing if you become president? What can students expect from you as president?
“I will make sure that school government events, such as the carnival and pep rallies, are more interactive and enjoyable for everyone. I will take feedback after each event to ensure that we, as a government, are always learning from our mistakes. I will make sure that our school runs a budget surplus, which we can use for anything, literally anything we want. But to understand what that surplus should be used for, I will send out a Google Form to the entire school, where anyone can vote on what we do with the money As long as the top-voted option is reasonable limits, I will make it happen. On top of that, I will make sure that we have a better connection to our community, letting everyone know about any events or fundraisers happening in and around Scarsdale.”

Anything else you want SHS students to know?
“I am truly committed to helping everyone at SHS, so if you want a better 2024, make sure to vote Jai Paradkar for School President!”



Countdown to SHS School Government Elections!
Countdown to SHS School Government Elections!
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About the Contributor
Zoe Winston
Zoe Winston, News Editor