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Giving Blood, Giving Life: Sophomore Class Government Hosts Annual Blood Drive

On March 4th, the Sophomore Class Government hosted the annual blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross.
Blood donation from sophomore donor Yihan Chen's perspective.
Blood donation from sophomore donor Yihan Chen’s perspective.
Yihan Chen ’27

On March 4th, the Sophomore Class Government hosted the annual blood drive, in which students and faculty were encouraged to take time out of their busy schedules to support their broader community through donating blood. This annual event has been held for over 20 years at SHS—a longstanding tradition. 

All of the collected blood was given to the American Red Cross, a non-profit supporting various hospitals in the New York region. “[The donated blood] is mostly used in local hospitals for surgeries, for cancer patients, and for people who have blood disorders,” SHS science teacher and sophomore class faculty advisor Kevin Viviano explained.

The Sophomore Class Government started preparing for this event in October of 2024 when their faculty advisors contacted the American Red Cross. The Sophomore Government supported its advisors during this process by asking questions about the process. The members of the government also participated in a Zoom meeting informing them of the logistics of the day of the drive.

SHS student and sophomore class president Caitlin Jeremiah helped prepare for the event by designing the publicity posters. In addition, she communicated eagerly with the faculty advisors to help settle potential concerns with them. “I would come in early to talk to Mr. Viviano and Ms. Wagner for five minutes. They would give me suggestions, and that was really helpful,” Jeremiah shared.

Because of their busy schedules, some students were unable to donate. “I didn’t donate because I had two assessments the day of, leaving me with no time to go down to the wrestling gym,” SHS student Ariana Chung ‘26 shared. In addition, about half of the student body was not eligible to donate as they were underclassmen below the age of 16.

However, those who were able to donate found that the process was smooth, with it being over before they realized it, and many even expressed eagerness to donate again. “I think it’s great to do something for someone who needs help. I enjoy the feeling of knowing that I am able to help or save someone in need. I will definitely do it next year,” SHS student Yihan Chen ‘27 shared.

In total, 71 donors were a part of the blood drive, leading to 53 pints of blood being collected, “a number that blew the American Red Cross’s expectations out of the water,”  Jeremiah shared.

In addition, the Blood Drive appeared to be popular among the student body, with over 30 students going to the Blood Drive as walk-ins. Unfortunately, these students could not be accommodated because the American Red Cross was unprepared for such a large turnout. “One of the hardest things to see was that there were so many people willing to donate,” Viviano explained.

All in all, the annual Blood Drive hosted by the Sophomore Class Government was a successful event. It helped save lives across New York, and highlighted Scarsdale High School’s dedication to our motto: Non-Sibi.

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About the Contributor
Tutu Chen
Tutu Chen, Writer