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Curtain Call: Scarsdale Seniors Shine in ‘Legally Blonde’ Performance

The Senior play highlights unity and student leadership providing graduating seniors with a final, celebratory moment as they conclude their high school chapter.
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  • Cast members hit their marks at the end of a scene during rehearsals for the senior play.

  • Jack Finegold and Oryna Bludva, directors of the Senior Play, pose for a photo after a performance

  • The cast poses for a photo on their final night of the performance

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This past weekend marked a special occasion for Scarsdale High School seniors as they showcased their talents in this year’s senior play, Legally Blonde. The entirely student-run production offered a unique experience, creating lifelong memories and a touch of nostalgia for the students as they stand on the precipice of graduation, ready to step into the “real world.”

What distinguishes this production from other drama club endeavors is its complete student leadership, including the actors, crew, directors, and production team. This system cultivates a strong sense of community among the cast members and equips seniors with essential skills for their future endeavors beyond high school walls. These skills include collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership.

This play served as a wonderful opportunity for the graduating seniors to spend some extra time with their Scarsdale friends. “This production wasn’t just about a show, but about bringing our class together. Theatre is the best tool to get a group of people together and it definitely worked here. The cast was so close by the end and that to me was the most important part of this process,” student director Jack Finegold ’24 shared.

Participating in such a memorable event as this play allowed the seniors to culminate their high school journey alongside their classmates, adding a final, unforgettable chapter to their Scarsdale High School story.

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Emma Lerner
Emma Lerner, Writer

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